As the summer season approaches, our kids and dads get excited. As summer is the best season for starting a home improvement project, be it painting external walls or getting garage doors in working condition again, most dads love to take matters into their own hands to repair this stuff.

Even single men, let alone fathers enjoy doing a variety of big and small jobs around the house. Whenever you start one such home improvement project, one big question that arises is how to pick the right tools and materials to work with. The market these days is flooded with a plethora of manufacturers that produce almost identical tools and gadgets.

Marvel BMT has got your back if you are confused too. In this article, we have combined our years of experience and compiled this guide to help our readers select the best tools and materials for their home improvement projects. Keep reading more to learn all the tips

Ask The Expert

If this is your first home improvement project, then it is always a better idea to ask an expert. If you reside in Dubai and are searching for a good supplier of hardware, then Marvel BMT is the best choice for you. We have been one of the leading building materials suppliers in Dubai and the UAE for the last few decades.

Whenever you are unsure of what to pick, simply visit our store and ask our employees. Most of our employees are experienced professionals who have been working in this field for more than 20 years now. By taking our staff’s suggestions, you will get a quick start on your project. And our staff members’ expertise will be available to you throughout your entire project. Even when you do not want to buy anything but want some suggestions, always feel free to drop by our store and get any suggestions or guidance that you need.

Examine the Tool’s Weight

Whenever you go shopping for tools, take a moment, take the tool off-shelf and check its weight. Most good-quality tools are a bit heavier in weight. A lighter utility knife may be cheaper to purchase, but it will have less durability. Most good-quality tools are a bit heavier on the side, says Marvel BMT’s expert tools store manager.

He further adds, however, to check for which purpose you are purchasing the tool. If you are buying a tool to do so over your head, then a heavier tool will be more of a burden than one of good quality. First, consider the job that you are buying the tool for and, accordingly, decide whether to go for a heavier tool or a lighter tool. At Marvel BMT, we understand the need for versatile tools, and that is why we have different options from different brands available to us. You can easily find what you are looking for at any of Marvel BMT’s shops in Dubai. Being one of the largest building materials shops in Dubai, we always have huge stocks of most brands available to us.

Opt for Tools That Multi-Task

High-quality tools cost a bit more, but you can save more money by buying tools that can multi-task for you. Marvel BMT, one of the largest building materials suppliers in the UAE, in our store you will find various tools that can multi-task. A single tool that can multi-task will often be costlier than a single tool. But if you buy all the tools that can do work separately, then a multi-tasking tool will be a better deal for you.

The most common example of a multi-tasking tool is the famous Swiss knife. A Swiss knife may look smaller, but it can easily do multiple jobs. A premium quality Swiss knife can function well as a knife, but additionally, it can open bottles, help in repairing punctured tires, open cans, and much more. Similarly, there is one 5-in-1 painter’s tool that can also do a number of painting jobs easily. This 5-in-1 tool can open paint cans, scrap excess paint can be used as a paint removal tool from brushes, and it can also help in widening cracks for patch work. Investing in such versatile tools always pays back more than what you invested in them.

Look For Tools That Have Comfortable Grip

A loose grip can lead to aching hands and even blisters. That is why when you buy tools, you should check whether the grip is comfortable for you or not. For many tasks that require repetitive motion, a tool with a poor grip can create havoc for your muscles and tendons. Choose tools that have a grip with a cushion and are comfortable for you.

An ergonomic and comfortable grip will help you finish your job easily and without tiring you. If you are unsure about how a tool should be, then visit our store to experience the working of different tools and their functioning physically. Marvel BMT is one of the oldest building materials companies in Dubai. You will find many demo sets of different tools in our store. It will be easier for you to first physically experience the tool and then buy it.

Check Warranty

Most reputed brands offer around two to three years of warranty on their products. Buying tools is almost equal to investing in something. If you are planning on expanding your hobby of doing home improvement work to a full-time job, then investing in the right tools that offer a long-term warranty is an important part. Many construction materials suppliers in Dubai stock different tools that have varied periods of warranty.

When a manufacturer is certain that his product is worth a dime, then he will offer a longer period of warranty without hesitating. Products and tools with a good warranty period may be a bit higher in the budget initially but are great for long-term use.